Two-Ingredient Chocolate Mousse

Rough week. Made this to end it on the right note.


Hervé This’ Chocolate Mousse

From Food52

Make this when you need to reassure yourself that you can work wonders—even with just two ingredients. 


3/4 c. water

8 oz. bittersweet chocolate (I used bittersweet chocolate chips)

Ice cubes

Whipped cream (optional)


1. Pour water into a saucepan. Then, over medium-low heat, whisk in the chocolate. You should end up with a very thin, homogeneous chocolate sauce.

2. Fill a large bowl with ice and a little bit of water to let the ice move around. Set a smaller, empty bowl inside the large one. Pour the chocolate sauce into the smaller bowl.

3. Get out your electric mixer and start beating the sauce as you would cream. Watch the chocolate sauce closely to see it move through the bubble build up stage, the thickening stage, and advance to (what I call) the track stage. That’s where the sauce is getting thick enough to be considered a mousse, and the beaters are leaving their tracks behind them. Stop beating when you get to this stage.

4. Pour or spoon the mousse immediately into ramekins, jars, or, when you’ve had a rough week, cocktail glasses. Move these into the fridge and let them set for about 30 minutes.

5. Garnish with whipped cream, if using, and serve.
