Dutch Baby Pancake with Lemon and Strawberries

Adapted from Saveur’s Dutch Baby Pancake

Serves 2-4

A dramatic breakfast for a lazy weekend. A cast iron pan is great for this—the edges of the pancake end up salty and brown butter-y. The original recipe calls for milk, but I subbed in half and half since we have it on hand. My pancake got very brown about 5 minutes before the timer was set to go off, so I took it out a little early. Just keep an eye on it after 10 minutes.

Make sure you’ve got the lemon ready for squeezing and the strawberries at hand for the final step. After the pancake comes out of the oven, it’ll begin to deflate quickly—even quicker after you sprinkle the lemon juice on it. If you’re serving this to a group of folks, completing the last step tableside would be gorgeous.


2 eggs
1/2 c. flour
1/2 c. half and half
dash of nutmeg
4 T. salted butter
Juice of half a lemon
1 c. hulled, sliced strawberries


1. Heat oven to 425. Whisk together the eggs, flour, half and half, and nutmeg. Leave it a little lumpy.

2. Over medium high heat, melt the butter in a 12-inch cast iron pan. When the foam subsides, pour the batter into the the pan. Move the pan to the oven and bake until the pancake is puffy and golden brown—about 15 minutes.

3. Take the pan from the oven. Squeeze the lemon juice over the top of the pancake and garnish with the strawberries.